Visit Seaport/The Loop
The Loop

60 Seaport Blvd, Boston, MA 02210

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The Loop

Bright Lights for Winter Nights. See Seaport shine all season long with glowing, interactive art to explore. The Loop is comprised of six illuminated, moving cylinders which play music and animations. Take a seat in these giant circular structures, pump the handlebar, and watch a story unfold. Beautiful images inspired by fairy tales come to life in an animation that is visible from inside or outside The Loop. The speed at which the images move, the frequency of the flickering, and the tempo of the music are determined by how fast you move the lever. Located in the One Seaport Courtyard, this installation is free and open to the public daily while on exhibit in the district. Hours of operation 7:00am - 10:00pm. Dates of exhibit January 11th – February 17th

Conception and execution: Olivier Girouard, Jonathan Villeneuve and Ottoblix Production: Ekumen and Quartier des Spectacles Partnership, Montreal, Canada

We are keeping the neighborhood bright all winter long. For more glowing and interactive art in Seaport visit the Igloo Bar at The Envoy, and stay tuned for Prismatica in February.


January 11th - February 17th Daily: 7:00am - 10:00pm