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L.L Bean: Discovery Kayaking Course
Aug. 21, 2022:
12:30 pm - 2:00 pm
308 Congress Street

L.L Bean: Discovery Kayaking Course

Explore Seaport’s waterfront in a kayak! L.L Bean’s course begins with a brief introduction and safety talk from their friendly paddling instructors, who will share their knowledge gained from years of kayaking. They’ll outfit you with a personal flotation device (PFD), kayak and paddling equipment, giving you insight on the best ways to set up your boat. Then, you’ll receive instruction on a variety of paddling techniques. This is a great course for all levels of fitness.
After you feel comfortable on the water, you’ll set out in a kayak on a guided, interpretive tour with your group. You’ll experience the freedom of skimming across the water, learning about the ecosystem and history of the area.
All necessary paddling equipment is provided.

L.L Bean: Discovery Kayaking Course

L.L Bean: Discovery Kayaking Course

Explore Seaport’s waterfront in a kayak! L.L Bean’s course begins with a brief introduction and safety talk from their friendly paddling instructors, who will share their knowledge gained from years of kayaking. They’ll outfit you with a personal flotation device (PFD), kayak and paddling equipment, giving you insight on the best ways to set up your boat. Then, you’ll receive instruction on a variety of paddling techniques. This is a great course for all levels of fitness.
After you feel comfortable on the water, you’ll set out in a kayak on a guided, interpretive tour with your group. You’ll experience the freedom of skimming across the water, learning about the ecosystem and history of the area.
All necessary paddling equipment is provided.

L.L Bean: Discovery Kayaking Course